Kindergarten “Daisy” is located in the microdistrict 84 of Dushanbe town. In terms of the city territory the construction site is located on the second ring in the south-eastern part. The total area is 0.46 hectares. The kindergarten building is located on the projected building area. The volume and planning of the building is taken in the form of a daisy flower. If to look at the layout there is group, administration and food premises imaged in the leaves of a flower. And in the middle of the flower the educational establishment is drawn. The swimming pool with the necessary facilities, warehouses and technical rooms, etc., are designed in the basement of the building. The kindergarten territory was also designed with recreation site, entertainment and a swimming pool for the summer.

Architecture is made in the style of high-tech with the use of bright colors, which are typical for kindergartens and nurseries.